November 2020: Natori Green - Week 4

The holidays are such a good time to reflect on life, family and art for me. This year was so different from any other year where I would usually gather with family. This year for me has really strengthened bonds and released others that needed to be let go.

I have had a distraction this week in the form of being ill. I have felt uncomfortable all week which has been surprisingly refreshing in a sense that I had to slow down and collect my thoughts about things. I could only focus on what I could handle at each moment. I have really pushed myself this week to get stuff down despite my not feeling well. It has given me a need to commit to joy and be okay with imperfections. It can be so easy to have a setback, think everything is ruined and just give up. However looking at the bigger picture, not just the obstacles in front of me has been helpful.

The week really flew by. I focused on fashion illustration this week. Fashion will be used to expand my artistic practice into textile fabrics and garment making. I have a small stock pile of cold weather fabrics at home right now that I am going to sew. Combining sewing and painting is so wonderful to me. I recently thought about how it is my next progression in 3 dimension art. I am into creating wearable but unique fashion. Ever since I was little I was always into fashion and garment construction. It's great taking a yard or two or three of fabric to make modest fashion. Plants have also been a big inspiration and task for me this week. I have a growing collection of plants that Mother Nature has been generously getting water to this week. I usually do not have plants for long but lately my plants have been thriving.

Thanks for allowing me to share the past four weeks of my life. It has been great!


Natori Green