December 2020: Jessica Bizer - week 4
For my final week of the residency, I'd like to share some images from my studio. While I’ve been working on my video installation, I've also begun to gradually re-enter my painting practice.
Painting was the primary focus of my work until a few years ago, when I began exploring digital and video work. The transition was both organic and practical. I was already spending a lot of time taking photos of my paintings and manipulating them on my phone and computer. However, at that time, I was using the technology simply as a tool to work out ideas, rather than as a medium. But as I began spending more time in digital space, I became increasingly curious about the potential for it to become a more intentional part of my practice.
My shift away from painting was also based on real-world concerns. I'm a mom of two little kids (ages 6 and 9), and wanted to find a way to make art was a more sustainable fit for my family life. I found myself wishing for a tiny mobile studio I could stash in my purse, something I could bust out as needed. My phone and laptop were perfect for the job.
I never expected to take such a long departure from painting. I was even a little uncomfortable once I realized that side of my work was shifting into a secondary role. However, the break has had so many benefits. My time away from painting has allowed me to reconnect with it from a new perspective. Among other things, I've noticed an increased fluidity between the digital and analog areas of my practice. I love how the mediums energize each other. I can't wait to explore more of this territory.
“Get There”
“Go With It”