December 2020: Jessica Bizer - Week 2

I've been working on an installation in the backyard of the Aquarium Gallery, the space where I have my studio. The piece is centered around palm fronds that I spray painted pastel colors. I enjoy the way it looks now, but it is intended to be a surface for projections. I think its just about ready for this next step.

Meanwhile, I've been messing with my work-in-progress photos of the piece, both on my computer and on my phone. This process functions like sketching for me, and its part of my practice whether I'm working on a painting, installation or video. When I play with an image in digital space, I get to instantly see expanded possibilities for my materials.

I especially benefit from technological happy accidents. I create conditions for these moments by purposefully "getting in over my head" in photo/ video editing software effects. Its a surprisingly forgiving space (as long as I back up my files).

Progress pics:


Digital sketches made from progress pics:
