April 2020: Tom O'Brien - Week 4
Update time!
Last week April Bachtel pointed out how my work tends to have a certain kind of quality of light, and wondered if it was due in part to the material used. This week I sketched out a drawing in ink and then started working on it at a much larger scale (2 x 3 feet) in charcoal. The light feels totally different, and while the ink sketch is clearly less defined in a lot of ways, it was fun to see the difference between the two as far as material is concerned.
I'm also drawing water for what I think is maybe the first time ever??? The idea of drawing water has always been a really daunting idea in my mind. It has a really rich history. Vija Celmins is the artist that always comes to mind when I think about drawings of water, and while my depictions couldn't be further than her photo realistic work, I'm happy with the pseudo-psychedelic rendering of water I've begun.
As always, I'm fighting the constant battle of wondering how much information is too much information to lay out in a drawing. There is a point I usually hit very early on in making work where my ego takes over and I think to myself "damn, that's pretty good, I should stop there." I"m pretty much always wrong. But in these moments I find that I need to stop working, before I push through and make the drawing way busier than it needs to be. I hit that point on this drawing, and decided that before I work on the upper portion of the drawing, I'll take a breather.
So here is both the sketch for the drawing, and the drawing as a work in progress, as well as one of Vija Celmins' drawings.
Sending out virtual hugs to everyone in lieu of physical affection,
Tom O'Brien